Surrounded Alone


By Deborah Jackson


The title in itself is an oxymoron. Yet, that appears to be the position of the Christian today.  Surrounded by a faceless world in this dark, unfamiliar tunnel we move one day closer to the glowing light on the other end.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”  (1 Corinthians 13:12).


Though it should be so, it seems there is no longer a driving desire to minister to the lost in expectation of a clueless reaction.  It is more of a fight to survive the race and press forward.  People are angry for no reason.  People are hurtful without cause. Doing the “right thing” has escaped even the elder generation, the one generation that you thought you could count on.

There are loud voices everywhere haunting you with their perspective version of how all things evil are acceptable and in the same attempt trying to somehow justify it. God is love? Yes, He is. But I am pretty sure that he is not a happy God.

The old theory was to look for the best in people.  However, today, we see more of the worst right up front and when you meet a genuine person you are pleasantly surprised.  Although somewhat overshadowed, this in no way means that we are not amongst a multitude of Christians in this world.

God has not changed. Genuine Christians have not wavered. Jesus is still coming back. 


So where do we go from here? As believers we have nothing to fear: Our future is secure.  Every, thread of our existence is still right in the palm of His hand.  If God did not know what is going to happen tomorrow, how could we trust our God today?  Our lives are filled with what ifs and daily losing control of things that were once just, “routine.” Yet while we may be surrounded “alone,” our faith still holds.

”For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

All that remains for us is to daily ask Him, “What do you need me to do or where do you want me to go today?”  For every soul that the Spirit is calling to Christ, there is someone in their path with the convincing message of amazing grace and salvation.