Riders of the Last Ark

(No Kidding!)


By Mindy Silva



You. Me. Him. Her. Not him. Not you? Not her?

Then who?

The ones who are called by His, Name.

The ones who: watch.

The ones who every morning and every night pray: “Let it be today, Lord!”

The ones sealed not only with the promise of salvation but salvation from the things that are coming upon the earth.

The ones who are getting ready to ride the last ark out.

The last ark, like in the days of Noah (but which took 120 years to build), is a work-in-progress, being built since Jesus went back up to heaven temporarily. He will return to pick us up (Rapture/snatch). Not just us, but those who are dead in Christ Jesus. They will rise before we do and we will ride that ark with them. Your consecration to Jesus Christ is preparing you to ride this ark. You have been purified, scraped clean, wiped down, passed through the waters, passed through the fire, survived loss, rejection, criticism, ridicule, and who knows what else, all in the transforming of your mind, heart, and the renewal of your spirit into the image of Christ─our Ark.

The last ark─you want to make sure you are on it. And you may be thinking, “It’s not the end of the world, Mindy.” Yes, it is, I’m sorry to say. It may even be the end of the world for you before it is for me. Think about it. You may get hit by a truck (God forbid!), or die in your sleep – who knows? Death in whatever shape or form spells finality. Yes, finality for you if you are unsaved or if you are a closet Christian (not sure of your standing on the path of salvation). But it marks the beginning for others like me who believe in a new beginning as the Bride of Christ. And yet, the finality lays in not heeding the call, for what will be facing people on earth is only the beginning of the most horrific time on this planet. Nothing else has been like it, Scripture says, nor will ever be!

So, although our departure will be sudden, a lot of time has gone into its preparation. Eyes cannot see this ark’s shape yet. But it is being built part-by-part, limb-by-limb; and body-by-body, spirit-by-spirit. If you take a look at a born-again believer, know that you are seeing a part of that ark, not just a flesh and blood body. For each believer riding the ark make up its body─the Body of Christ─His church, our Ark.

But if you’re thinking how dramatic this sounds, there is no drama in a believer’s life. Every thought is brought into captivity to Jesus Christ. There is no time for drama. Riders live with their eyes open. Riders live in the now. We have left yesterday behind. We have stripped it of its binding ties, of its power. We are given power for the now. For now, TODAY is the day of salvation, Scripture states. And because our ride will take place at any moment now, know that every ounce of your very being has prepared you as a rider on this ark. The truth of this has set you free so that you become aware that your tackle is loosed. There is nothing to hold you here. Your loved ones: Just as He has you in his hands, He has them in His hands also. Hand them over to Him to keep them safe and to touch their hearts with His forgiveness and salvation.

As riders of this last ark, we don’t party with non-believers who celebrate something we left behind in our old world before being born-again. We are to remain uncontaminated from the world. Nothing obscures our sight. We are free from doubt, unbelief, and fear. We have taken a stand and follow our calling without losing sight of our ark. This world is not our home. And though these words come out of every believer’s mouth, know this:

At no other time in history has this truth become the spotlight of the believer. For we are living in the middle of everything we have read and tried to understand and visualize as we were growing up in the Spirit. Sometimes I think that today’s generation can relate more to what is taking place because they don’t have to visualize it the way most of us did. It’s here and matching exactly with the current worldly events, with the technology, with the economic, political, and religious uprising taking place before our very eyes. Imagination therefore, is not strained.

We are not to be contentious. We won’t argue with you, for that is not the point but we will try to convince you of the realities now facing you. If you do not want to be a rider on this ark: that is your choice. Keep this in mind though: Once the doors close shut, like in the days of Noah, no power on earth will be able to open them. We will try our best to make sure you ride in it, but think about this: You may be the very last person to enter it. I would love to see you there.

I have a true-to-life story posted on my website (“My Angel Story”) which took place while I was living in the Virgin Islands. In the story I describe what occurred when I gave a man a lift to where the cruise ships docked at Havensight, in St. Thomas. I won’t go into the whole story here, but I had three concerns of mine in prayer before the Lord, and this man answered all of them without my even discussing any of them in the short ten-minute ride that it took for me to drop him off. The last one was about the Rapture. After getting out of my car, he stuck his hand in and saying his name was Frank, he topped it off with, “See you at the Rapture.” I briefly lowered my head to change gears before saying goodbye to him, but when I looked back up, he was gone. He was very, very tall, and though there were no other people around in front or behind him – this tall, blond, blue-eyed stranger just vanished into thin air. 

So, as Frank said to me right before he disappeared, ”See you at the Rapture!” (Note: For more on Frank and “My Angel Story,” please go to: http://www.burundanga.net/STORIES.html).


©Mindy Silva 2013

