How Did I Get Here?

By Camilla Smith

How did I get here?   I think it was while I was walking this weekend on a beautiful day in September, breeze blowing and sun shining and I stopped and listened.   No, I did not hear a voice.  I just felt a presence.   Then it hit me…I should write!   Maybe just a few words to encourage other Bible prophecy beginners to jump in there and learn all they can while we are still around on this earth to do so.    

So here it is, my first article for Rapture Ready and do I ever have a lot to say.  You see, I am a medical transcriptionist and I listen to people talk ALL DAY LONG via dictation; therefore, when I get the chance to do the talking…well.   First and foremost, though—if you are INTERESTED IN BIBLE PROPHECY—KEEP READING!!   

Rapture Ready has changed my life.   Of course, first Jesus Christ changed my life, but he led me to Rapture Ready.   I have pestered the likes of many of the writers here, hopefully in a good way, with my questions and comments and, having gotten many a kind response, I felt the Lord urging me to “write”.   I love to write—I love to talk.  So here goes—please bear with me.

I grew up in the most wonderful church, a quaint little community church which had the most dynamic pastor I have ever heard.   As a child/teenager/young adult, I was privileged to listen to this Godly man preach his heart out every Sunday.   What an evangelist for Christ he was.  And thus began my relationship with my Father in Heaven, one that would take on a journey over a few decades that I am sure most Christians can relate to.    Yes, that rollercoaster of a ride we call Christianity.  Up the hills and down the hills, in the valleys and on the peaks!    Yet through it all, we know we are a child of God and that he is there with us every step of the way.   Disappoint him?   Of course I have.  Let him down?   Many times.   Trusted him?  ALWAYS.   After all, I knew from a very young age that I was fortunate enough and blessed enough to grow up in that very little church with that very special pastor, and so many people in this world would never have an opportunity like that.   How could I NOT be a Christian?   I just was.   I just am. 

Without boring readers with details, I went through several years of ups and downs in my Christian journey, having always maintained my faith, yet not always seeking God as I knew I should.    Amen?  Amen.   I think some of you can probably relate.  But one day, it just happened.  I WOKE UP!   This little thing called Bible prophecy got a hold of me and I was a goner.   Now let me tell you, I am SOOO not an expert and I am just scratching the surface, and sometimes scratching my head,  but I am telling you and you probably know this, that once the Bible prophecy bug gets a hold of you, no antibiotic will resolve that virus.  It is over.   Just go with it and let yourself be led. 

My point?   If it had not been for Rapture Ready, and the most wonderful teachings and articles and programs that I have been divinely guided to, I would still be muddling around in my old routine, wondering how to decorate the kitchen or watching some version of the Are They For Real Housewives (knowing all along that I should not care about these things).   You just do; you just get caught up in that.   BUT NO MORE.  I find myself thinking on the Rapture when I wake up, all day, and when I go to bed.   I fight for every second of my day to find a moment to sit down with the Bible and read (or some great Terry James book or both).   TV?   What’s that?  There are only three channels on my TV now—all Christian channels, albeit not all of them ALL good programming, but here is where our discernment comes in.   I’m learning.  I’m listening and I have never had so much peace and joy in my life.   It REALLY IS TRUE!   Live your life solely focused on the Lord and you will never look back.    It is amazing—they say Bible prophecy will lead you to do, at the very least, these two things—purify yourself to be the Bride of Christ and give you the desire to witness.    Check.  Check.  Yep.  I’m there.  

I have a long, long, long way to go.   I ask the Holy Spirit to fill me each day and lead me to opportunity to witness (by the way, does THAT ever work out well).    He has never let me down on that one!   Am I doing it right?   Do I have all the answers?   Not an expert here, I assure you, but I have never been more emboldened and determined to talk to those around me, although the table full of bikers at the Mexican restaurant the other day got up and left before I was able to say what I wanted to say to them.   Digging in my purse to find something to write on and a pen, I lost an opportunity to tell eight people who were talking about Armageddon while drinking, carousing and cursing up a storm, where they needed to look to really find out about Armageddon.   I will never forget missing that opportunity.      

So basically, this is my chance to implore other novices out there to take this prophecy stuff seriously and run with it.   I simply talked to some of my closest friends and relatives at first and I can assure you that BPF (Bible Prophecy Fever) has caught on and it is spreading.   People are curious--both believers and nonbelievers know something feels different and they want to hear your thoughts.    A Holy intervention is about to happen, and a little contagious BPF is in order.                      

I will close with one of my favorite Scripture verses—I’m sure you all know it well.   If you don’t, remember it—it will get you through nearly any situation:

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him”.  Nahum 1:7.

Yes indeed—I flipped open my Bible one morning after having lost my beloved collie to “puppy heaven”. While looking for a little encouragement in my anguish—voila!  There it was.  The very page I opened to. 

Now how is that for Divine intervention I ask you?    Now we must be ready for the greatest Divine Intervention of them all!