
If you are reading this letter it is because my husband, children and
I have disappeared without a trace, along with perhaps millions of others
world wide. I am sure that there has been much speculation as to the
cause of these disappearances, but there is only one real answer.
Look around and see who it is who has gone missing It will be anyone
who professed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, those who trusted
only in Him for their salvation. Jesus has snatched His Church out of
the world for a very specific reason.
God is about to pour His wrath out on the inhabitants of the earth in one
last ditch effort to get humanities attention. You have been left behind
because prior to the rapture (the snatching away of the true Christians)
you have refused to believe in Christ for salvation, or to repent of your
sins that have separated you from Him.
You still have the opportunity to repent and ask Jesus to save you.
But I will tell you the truth. Your future is more uncertain now than
it has ever been. There will be cosmic events, famines, floods,
earthquakes and plagues over the next several years that will wipe out 3/4
of the population of the earth. You only stand a 1 in 4 chance of being
alive at the end of the next 7 years, a time that the Bible calls the
Tribulation. If, by chance, you do survive and still haven't repented,
then you will face the full fury of God's wrath when He returns at the
end of that 7 years. My advice to you is to ask Jesus to forgive you
and save you, ask Him to give you a new heart so that you may follow
Him and be assured that you have a place in His kingdom.
If you die without becoming a Christian, you will spend eternity separtated
from God. You will suffer torment forever with satan and his angels.
I do not want that to happen and neither does God. That is why He has
made a way for you to be saved. That is through Christ only.
Here is a prayer that will work. The important thing is that you mean this
with all your heart, that you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, and that
you really want salvation.
Just Pray: "Dear God, I know that I have sinned against you in many ways.
My sins have separated me from you. Because of my sins I deserve Your
judgment. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, has come in the flesh, died on
the cross, and rose from the dead to save me from my sins and reunite me
with You. Jesus, I am sorry for what I have done and I ask for your
forgiveness. Please give me a new heart and save me. Thank you for the
free gift of eternal life. Amen."
If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations. You are now a
Christian. You belong to Jesus. It is important for you to study His
word, the Bible, to find out what He wants of your life. Start in Matthew
and read through the New Testament, then go to the Psalms. After that,
work your way through the old testament.
Now, as for what you are about to face. The political, economic and social
conditions you are no doubt witnessing right now have been foretold for
over 2000 years. The books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelations should be at
the top of your reading list. I would suggest finding new believers with
whom to study these things.
You will face many hardships in the weeks and months ahead. You may even
face martyrdom. In fact, in just a few years time, the leader that is
about to make his appearance on the world scene will make it mandatory to
take a mark in order to buy or sell anything. No matter what, do not take
that mark, because if you do you cannot be saved. You will align yourself
with the enemy of your soul if you do. No matter what, cling to God to
provide everything you need during these desperate times. He loves you
very much and really does have your best interest at heart.
I am including a list of scripture references to get you started on your
studies, including the references to the rapture, the beast
(otherwise known as The Antichrist), and salvation by faith.
It is my prayer that you not mourn our disappearance.
Rather that you would now accept Christ and be assured that we will meet
again in Paradise.
God Bless,
Scripture References:
these references were compiled by the author of the Rapture Ready website.
You can find it at Raptureready.com until the server purges his
pages. While you can, I would suggest you read this web site thoroughly.
Prepared for those who love Him |
1 Cor 2:9; Jam 1:12; Jam 2:5. |
Make yourself ready |
Rev 19:7; Mat 24:44; Mark 13:40. |
Blessed are those |
Mat 24:46; Rev 1:3; 19:9; 22:7. |
Morning Star rises in your heart |
2 Pet 1:19. |
Hold fast what you have |
Rev 3:11. |
Looking for Him |
Mat 24:50; Luke 12:46; Tit 2:13. |
Know his master will |
Luke 12:47; Mat 7:21; Rom 12:2. |
Look for His appearing |
Tit 2:13. |
Be found in peace |
2 Pet 3:14. |
Keep in the love of God |
Jude 1:21. |
Patient--waiting |
Jam 5:7-8. |
Establish your hearts |
Jam 5:8. |
Not ashamed before Him at His coming |
1 John 2:28. |
Do not leave your first love |
Rev 2:4. |
Be ready and watch |
Mat 24:42-43; 25:13; Mark 13:35,37,39 Rev 3:3; Rev 16:15. |
Kept the command to endure |
Rev 3:10. |
Chosen and faithful |
Rev 17:14. |
Loved His appearing |
2 tim 4:8; James 1:2. |
Eagerly wait for Him |
Heb 9:28. |
Worthy |
Luke 21:36; 2 Th 1:11. |
Seek those things which are above |
Col 3:1. |
Set your mind on things above |
Col 3:2. |
Willing to come |
Mat 22:2-3. |
Hear His voice | John 5:25; John 10:3,4,16,27,28; Rom 8:30; 1Th 4:16; Rev 3:20,21; Rev 4:1 |
Let him who is listening say come |
Rev 22:17. |
Let him who is thirsting say come |
Rev 22:17. |
Seek Him |
2 Chr 15:2,13. |
Loyal to Christ |
2 Chr 16:9. |
Take heed that no one deceives you |
Mark 13:5; Luke 21:8 |
Learn this parable from the fig tree |
Mark 13:28; Luke 21:29-31. |
Take heed watch and pray |
Mark 13:33; Luke 21:36. |
Strive to enter through the narrow gate |
Mark 13:24. |
Not weighed down with cares of this life |
Luke 21:34. |
Watches and keeps his garments |
Rev 16:15. |
Those who do his Commandments |
Rev 22:14. |
When you see all these things know |
Mat 24:33. |
Warning the rapture is near |
Mat 24:44-46; 1 Tim 4:16. |
Who were ready | Mat 25:10. |
See things happening know that it is near |
Mark 13:29. |
Be awake & aware what is happening |
Mark 13:36. |
Watch for the signs |
Luke 21:11, 24-25. |
Things begin to happen...look up! |
Luke 21:28. |
The Spirit and the bride say come! |
Rev 22:17. |
| | |