
Dear Tribulation Saints,
I'm writing
to you to explain what the government and talking heads will try to explain
away. The millions of people that have disappeared were not taken by some UFO in
the sky and they weren't vaporized into nonexistence by whatever sub-molecular
theory physicists have gravitated towards.
What you've witnessed, what
even time cannot reduce in significance or splendor, was the rapture into heaven
of every born-again person who had an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus
Christ. Good news for us, but better for you. Can any other unbeliever
throughout the centuries after Jesus claim to have received such an obvious
second chance than yourselves? Of course with every good comes a bad.
You must not only live through the most tomultous time in human history,
but you must face a man who will eventually become possessed by Satan himself.
This man, the Antichrist, will have two reasons for living--to kill those who
trust in God, and to have the rest bow down in worship before him. For your
eternal future and everything else you hold sacred, please do not become a part
of this second group.
He will distinguish between groups by making those
who worship him take his mark. No matter what, no matter the torture or lives
being held over you--DO NOT ACCEPT THIS MARK! To do so damns you to a hell that
doesn't contain red-suited devils with horns and tails, to do so damns you to an
eternal torment and separation from God and everything else that is good. It
always better to lose your life than your soul.
But I'm getting ahead of
myself. The Antichrist will make his arrival by signing a seven-year peace
treaty with Israel. From the time of this signing, you can determine the
physical coming of Jesus Christ at 2520 days (seven biblical years). Halfway
through this covenant the Antichrist will declare himself God, instigating a
series of judgments similar to those used by Mosed to free the people of Israel
from Egypt.
All of this is in the Book of Revelation--read it! I
recommend you buy a Bible before they become outlawed. I also recommend you buy
a water purifier, lots of canned goods and everything else you'll need in the
coming years to sustain yourself and fellow believers.
Don't worry, God
does not hate you. These events are preordained and being done to rock that
false sense of security you may have been living with. Repent of your sins. They
will be forgiven, large or small, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your
heart. He loves you more than you could ever imagine.
And watch the sky,
we're coming back, trailing Jesus in numbers you saints will more than surpass.
You now know when.
God Bless and trust in him as you have no other.
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